The Easter Sunday Song Dare
Katie Barry
Date: Easter Sunday
Place: Amy’s Car
Participants: Amy
Complete: Yes
Singing publicly where people can hear or see me singing is far from my favourite thing to do. So my LOVELY partner decided this would be a great one to start off with. Only her to hear it (sorry folks, there will be no recording) but known for all to see. It was forgotten about on the ride up to the hills, but remembered on the way back and hastily made up on the spot. Here, lyrics written for your benefit, feel free to sing it to your loved ones :)
Sung to the tune of "‘Mistletoe and Wine”…
It’s Easter Time, Hot Cross buns are devine,
Children singing “Fuck off that egg, that’s mine!”,
There’s logs on the fire, If it’s too friggin'‘ cold,
All this chocolate is a glutton’s site to behold….
Dare one down, many more to go!
Happy Easter folks!